Beware of Social Media Scams

Research Before Purchasing from Social Media Ads:

  • Be cautious when buying products advertised on social media. Research the company or seller thoroughly before making a purchase.

  • Avoid clicking on ads directly. Instead, search for the company’s official website independently to verify its legitimacy.

    Avoid Sending Money to Online Friends in Emergency Situations:

  • Scammers often create fake emergencies to manipulate people into sending money. Even if a friend claims they need urgent assistance, verify their situation through other means (phone call, alternate messaging app) before sending any funds.

    Beware of Out-of-Character Messages from Friends:

  • If you receive a message from a friend that seems unusual or out of character (especially if it includes suspicious links), exercise caution.

  • Instead of clicking on the link, reach out to your friend through another communication channel (phone, email) to confirm if the message is legitimate.

Remember, staying vigilant and verifying information can help protect you from online scams and security risks!


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